Mon - Sun 0900 - 2100 +61 451 547 487 / +61 422 034
Trusted By
1000+ People
Best Health Service
Western Australia
Highest Quality Care

About Us

Looking for Supports for a loved one?

Chelsy Health Services is the reliable and trustworthy Provider of Disability Support Services  that you have been searching for. We provide excellent  Supports and Home Care services to participants  who  deal/experience  limitations, injury, disability or illness.

Our mission is to support participants  with disability young or old ,living   in our communities, enriching their lives and facilitate assisted independent living

Chelsy Health Services employs  experienced  support workers  who  provide personal care to ease our  participants mind and that of their families and carers.We also have experienced registered nurses who attend to our participants experiencing  complex issues .

Is it time to engage a professional for Assisted Living supports?

Chelsy Health Services is based on the principle that people  with disability should be supported  in a homely environments  with the right  level of care  , living as independently as possible to achieve and   maintain a high quality of life

Poor Hygiene: A lack of attention to appearance can be an indicator of declining attention and memory. Signs to look for are disheveled hair, unwashed clothing, body odor and clothing that is unsuitable for weather conditions.



Dramatic Weight Loss or Gain: A noticeable change in weight (typically, a fluctuation of 10% or more in body weight) can be an indicator that (a) a senior is losing interest in meals or meal preparation, or is making poor nutrition choices and eating only low-quality foods that are readily on hand, or (b) a senior is depressed.


Isolation: Participants may start to notice that once familiar tasks are becoming more and more difficult or confusing. Common reactions to this feeling are to withdraw from loved ones and the community and to limit activities outside of the home


Messy Home: One of the telltale signs that an ageing individual needs additional support is an unkempt home or living environment. This can include clutter, odors, piled up garbage, loads of undone or unfolded laundry or stacks of dirty dishes.

Registered Nursing Staff
Happy Patients
National Wide Locations

Supports and Plan Scheduling

Support Workers and Nurses are selected for you according to the specific care plan you have and how often that care is needed. Whether you need hourly, part-time, or around the clock service, Chelsy Health Services provides the best quality care available. Experiences support workers/ caregivers can be on-site within hours of a service call.
Disability Care/Assisted Living100%
Aged care services95%
domestic duties services85%
Community Activities80%

What are the Benefits of Home Supports?

While caring for a loved one can be rewarding, it is often extremely challenging for the untrained family members.Chelsy Health Services has trained staff who are capable to work with the participants loved ones to achieve holistic care ,while taking some of the hard work from the family.  

  • Supports are delivered in the comfort of their homes for our Self Managed Participants
  • Chelsy Health Services helps keep families together
  • Our Support Workers have the experience and understand the importance of working with our participants to maintain their independence
  • Chelsy Health Services promotes supporting our participants at home as it prevents or postpones institutional living.